Friday, 18 July 2014

Hacienda Riquelme Changes

So we now Ronny Barker, a lame duck that has always refused to stand, has resigned twice already as a Phase President and clearly stated there was never Committee infighting!

This together with, as the PW forum stated, as we are informed  the other bloke with a nasty attitude and overall self righteousness. (click here)

Should be fun times ahead!!!!!!!!!!!! 

For the record:

September 2013:
Ron Locke Resigns

"As owners I am letting you know that this is yet another untruth....... I am one of the people referred to above. I have announced my resignation to the owners I represent and, as far as I know, at the moment I am the only one who has resigned.  It is completely untrue that it had anything to do with the manifesto referred to. My reason is simple. we are being inundated with unreasonable demands and very unfair criticism,."

October 2010:
Ron Locke Resigns
"This is not the place for me to give the detailed reasons for my resignation. I have written to all the owners I represent, as well as the committee, with the detail. Basically there is a fundamental disagreement between me and the Resort President and her group of friends on the committee...... I have found it impossible to get discussions going.... communication is awful. Some committee members never contribute any ideas for improvement, never give an opinion in any meeting I have been involved in, or respond to requests for comments on ideas. One member has refused to speak to me for over 12 months and won't answer any emails I send him...."

Presidents statement (click here)
Ron Locke has resigned as the president of phase 5a.  We did not always agree but his input was valuable.  It has been difficult and not an easy task these last three years establishing this community. We must, however, respect Ron's decision and wish him well.  We thank him for his contribution to the committee and wish him a more peaceful life!
All committees have disagreements.  But that's not a bad thing; it is healthy to have disagreements based on different perspectives and opinions.  Our committee is no different - we are all experienced people with opinions.  But we try to work together for the good of the cause - Hacienda Riquelme Community of Owners.
We will always seek the best possible terms for our owners and for Hacienda Riquelme.  This is why we are here and we are all mindful of this.

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