Hacienda Riquelme 2014 July Resort Newsfeed

Hacienda Riquelme Owners 2014 July Resort Newsletter...........               
The Committee

Obviously the Committee should be congratulated for stepping up to the mark and representing ALL Owners in their  best interests however,  anyone that raises their heads into these elected positions really should be aware of the “dog eat dog” culture within Hacienda Riquelme.

All owners have invested considerable amounts into the purchase of their properties and the ongoing running costs of the resort. For contracts to be signed by the committee such, for example, the latest gardening contract when the contract, key performance conditions and clauses have never been published to all owners is inexcusable. 

- How are owners supposed to know if this 350,000 euros yearly contract is being spent well, in the right areas and with the key performance criteria being achieved?

- Is it just their gardening contract or the contract for all owners?

If owners then question the Committee on these matters then they classed by the Committee as trouble makers and are then named and shamed amongst all the fellow owners.

If the Committee is doing is dong such a great job, then why are there so many key problems across the resort. Where is the detailed case summary information of which 1.2 million debtors are in court and the stages of the court proceedings? Where is the information of how many debtors are untraceable, the key issue as confirmed by the previous resort president?

In terms of this website and others it should be noted that the previous resort president was recently quoted as stating:


Thanks for continuing to send me your monthly updates, I always look forward to them - the quality is excellent and if I ever return to an elected position I would seek your help with the Community website, such is the quality of the website.

Best wishes,


It appears that the current Resort President has a different viewpoint probably due to the hole he has dug!

And finally as the Committee represents all owners interests then they clearly need to be aware that fundamental issues will be raised as and when required. If the heat becomes to hot in the kitchen then they can always stand aside, do the decent thing and resign, (that is resign twice and not still stand as has happened !), as the issues, and owners with these issues, will not go away. The committee may change overtime however we will not be it 5, 10, 15 years or whatever we will still be around to show the true Hacienda Riquelme Culture and spirit.


Not really a good report on the current state of the Resort. It is really does question what exactly Resortalia and the Committee do on a daily basis that supports the concept of a 5 star Golf Resort!

1) The mess at the Workers Compound continues unabated and the situation appears to be getting a lot worse with rubbish dumped everywhere.



2) And yet at the same time didn't the Committee members did really well with the clean up of the old supermarket site! Could that be because some of them overlook the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3) At the same time we have the roads collapsing next to the post boxes and some of the children play areas being an accident waiting to happen especially for the under 5 kids with electric cables exposed.............

4) We have the old Polaris strips being dumped to create another eyesore!

5) The irrigation to the Sports Area has been stopped

6) The gardens grass and trees are in very poor conditions throughout the resort

7) the Greens and bunkers are in a poor condition

8) The lakes have seen better days

And this is all with 1.2 million euros of debts and rising.

As we approach the 5 year anniversary of the HRGR Association and its affiliated sites

then we have seen Resort Presidents and Committees come and go, however we have never seen the Resort in such poor condition as recently.

Time for action and change!

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