Tuesday, 13 August 2013

For the record.................

Due to the following article http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.laverdad.es/murcia/v/20130503/murcia/concentracion-trabajadores-hacienda-riquelme-20130503.html

“Workers at  Hacienda Riquelme golf course, situated on the road from Avileses (Sucina), with immediate effect reemployed 6 workers who have been laid off.

CCOO reported that the goal is "that the company Selprats SL is to negotiate working conditions, especially in regard to occupational safety and environment."

For the union, "fire workers who have promoted elections candidates CCOO union is a violation of fundamental rights that we are not willing to allow. " CCOO recalls that "we will fight for every possible means that there are no such situations."

This may well affect the temporary facilities that are supplied for the workers in the workers compound.

The new company, according to the union, manages golf courses Mar Menor Golf Resort, Las Terrazas de la Torre, Condado de Alhama Golf Resort, La Torre Golf Resort, El Valle Golf Resort and Hacienda Riquelme Golf Resort (the old Polaris) “

We proposed that any improvements in the working conditions of the IRM employees should not mean purpose built new facilities being built within the current compound. Instead we suggested using the existing empty facilities within the newly built town centre at HRGR and allowing the golf course to use the empty land next to the town centre kitchens. Workers could also use the existing car park facilities. In NO WAY does this say that the temporary old supermarket, wooden hut bar or other areas previously used without planning permsiion should be used,

In addition, all roads within the resort are publicly adopted roads hence any equipment used by the Community or the golf course need to be approved and regulated for use on these roads

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