Monday, 22 July 2013

Workers Compound - a disgrace for the community

A fundamental issue exists regarding the public land that is being used by the resort gardeners and IRM as a rubbish dump which was never part of the resort plans or did not ever receive planning permission.

The issue was first raised in 2009 and the Association has worked with its owners and Resortalia/Committee to progress what had been offically agreed with the Local Authority.

Despite several chasing letters and raising the issue consistently over the last 4 years, the Committee have not subsequently changed their views and decided this is no longer a problem.

Furthermore, the newly elected committee have publicly attacked 2 HRGR Presidents who have raised this issue for continuing to seek resolution to what is not approved or allowed on public land.

The Committee have also started a work to rule as they see this as being unfair to them!

In order to be very clear, this land is public land, has no planning permission to be used for any other purpose than public land and the HRGR Association will fight to ensure that IRM and the gardeners are not allowed to be there.

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