We believe that a community of owners is clear by its name and all actions should be in the interests of all owners. Resortalia's role is we believe crystal clear in this regard and it would be unwise when a clear injustice as this has arisen relating to any of the communities owners, not to support the correct course of action. It is very clear to individual owners including ourselves that the proposed screen will not meet all owners requirements therefore it is a non-starter and always have been as we have previously stated.
Of course there will be some owners, including some owners in the two sub communities materially affected by the current set-up, that wish this to go ahead for their own personal benefit but not considering the implications or non-benefits of all owners. (i.e. we cannot see it, therefore we are not bothered!). We find this also totally inexcusable and does really question the purpose and roles of sub communities within the resort. At the same time it is also very concerning that if the location of the current compound happened next to any of the committees or these aforementioned owners apartments then we are very, very sure that they would be deeply upset and up in arms for it to be moved straight away not the detailed course of actions that we have undertaken for the past 4 years.
In the past similar HRGR issues were raised over the wooden bar facilities and its use of hot food which is why a court injunction was granted to an owner as this never had approval by the local authorities. This was again against Committee advice, your advice, support or discussions at that time.
Accordingly, this proposal will not work in a number of regards but especially relating to:
- the clear health and safety issues with storing, mixing, transporting and spraying chemicals within a residential compound next to bedrooms that need to be urgently considered even under EU legislation that also applies to HRGR. You should be already clearly aware of this if not.
- Decomposing rubbish and waste matter in the compound which is foul, whiffy, stinking,putrid, and malodorous and is constantly blown by the cross winds including sand and other debris into our bedrooms and apartments.
- The untimely hours of the
compound in a residential area be it very early or very late next to
owners bedrooms when they are either trying to get to sleep or woken up
very early. This is especially true of the guard dogs which were
subsequently moved as a member of the committee complained.
If STV and IRM are willing to install a fairly well built screen here then I am assuming that they would also be willing to do this on the approved infrastructure sites as agreed by the detailed planning permission therein granted or are we now saying that the Committee and Resortalia now know better than what was discussed in detail at the time, with formal detailed planning advice, detailed plans, numerous stages of negotiations and final confirmation by the developers, local authorities and financial supporters.
In closing, we and a number of other owners, now need to detail these aspects with both IRM and STV directly and if the Committee and Resortalia are unwilling to support this then so be it. If this shows that other sites and solutions are available which they have not been informed of then this is a positive approach, If it shows that no resolution is possible then we will work the process including the potential end result of seeking another court injunction preventing the use of the compound.
In addition, if by raising this and other issues then there has been a number of harassment, verbal threats, cyberbullying and cyberstalking instances against us and others by other owners which will no longer be tolerated. This includes the actions taken at the last committee meeting to which you have clearly raised the minutes thereof. Accordingly, we will now seek advice from the Protégeles, PantallasAmigas, the non-profit initiative Actúa Contra el Ciberacoso, the National Communications Technology Institute (INTECO), the Agency of Internet quality, the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, and the Oficina de Seguridad del Internauta, before further action is taken.