Monday, 9 September 2013

Sept Status

Fantastic work a credit  to you so far!
We have never been involved in such a quagmire of "he said, she said" arguments that have got no closer and indeed will not get any closer to being solved to the benefit of either the offended sub communities, the HRGR main committee or indeed for the rest of the owners of the resort. Not until some fundamental key points are sorted out.

First and foremost we believe now that everyone agrees that phase 7 has been dealt an injustice which was put in place by Polaris initially and then added to by the HRGR committee at that time and subsequent committees
The present HRGR and others prior have tried what they thought was best for them and phase 7 but never really tackled the problem instead ,smoke screened the problem each time because as they thought "it was the best place to put the contractors" , and the easiest resolution. Now however the Resort committee  realise that they must listen to not just Sub presidents but owners as well because we are all or should be equals..
It goes without saying that every one involved realises that there must be a time scale to the accomplishment of our problem. It has been clearly set out in e mails from the points that have to be discussed and implemented. HOWEVER, no discussion or problem solving can be done between two warring factions. Something or one has to give in order that matters move forward. 
Away from the mud slinging there has been through private and other e mails thought provoking  problems concerning the whole resort and that of the golf course.Without communication from both sides the resort will suffer.  Compromise is necessary for the benefit of all. We have on phase 7 offered an agenda to move forward .The Resort president and committee will not communicate and have offered no terms for change other an remove the threat of court action . We are prepared to do that providing that we know we have the full attention of the resort Committee  and that they agree to a time scale of restitution .Total restitution .
Now that the PP7 has achieved so much in such a short time,surely now all sides will listen and work together to make our site a friendly place to be as the golf course is in so much trouble ,
In our blocks we have the whole of the 2nd and 3rd floors that can see directly onto the building site.The ground floor residents cannot see to the back but are still subjected to the noise filth and smells as are we all.
We personally hope that others on the committee will take this on board so that we can all get back to a more informed courteous HR Resort.
If not then the President and Committee have to change in order to represent all owners that have an equal voice and an equal right in what is right and wrong at HRGR. So far one PP has fell on their sword as they did not have the full backing of their phase SCPs. Now we have a PP who supports our actions and time will tell what the next outcomes will be
Status to be updated 18th Sept 2013

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Water Analysis proof requested

Following IRM's direct email reply to the HRGR Association, we have requested further clarification and additional information concerning the water in the lakes. We have asked that they send to us detail documentation of the analysis of the lake water content samples which show the appropriate stamps and certification that verifies that they have appropriate approval within the law.

We have also requested to learn when the lakes will be refilled and the quality of water to be used in keeping with the environmental impact study dated 17 August 2005.

We also await a response from STV on these matters,a summary of the chemicals used in the resort as previously requested to the community administrators by our phase president and ourselves and confirmation of adherence to the Environmental Impact Study.

Finally, in case there is ongoing confusion on the proposed wall to the area known as the workers compound, then as this is local authority land then it will need their stamped formal authority. We will formally object shortly to the local council that this area, being used as a rubbish dump and workers area, does not have the necessary legal infrastructure or planning permission and should therefore be closed down.

We are available to meet in person with IRM if required to review this information and the proposed next steps.

2 HRGR Blogs..........

For the record there are 2 HRGR Blogs

Hacienda Riqueleme Blog and HRGR Blog these can be seen at

There are also a number of other key blogs, forums and websites hence PR is not required

Some owners do not get it

It appears that some owners do not get it

Lack of water in lakes

= dead environment
= no golfers
= no renters


It now appears that if any of the HRGR owners or even elected Sub Community Presidents raise a viewpoint then they are classed as lunatics even when matters have been raised with the committee and community administrators and no response has been forthcoming.

Does really sum up the culture and lack of moderation by the powers that be!