Hacienda Riquelme 2014 October Newsletter

Hacienda Riquelme Owners  2014 October Resort Newsletter                   

It is now ten months into the financial year and still no resort wide financial information have been released.
  • Where are the quarter one and half year financials?
  • Where are the first quarter, half year and 9 months debtors?
  • Shouldn't the Committee minutes clearly state the level of debtors?
  • The September Committee minutes clearly stated that the current resort debtors would be released to "all owners by the 22nd September" and never were! Shame on the Committee that they cannot even follow up and implement their own minuted actions.

Well lets help:

One really does wonder if the global financial crisis happened at HRGR in 2012 as opposed to 2008!

It is also no wonder Nigel moved on after his clear position of being "tough on debtors"!

For the financials we clearly recommended last year not to budget for the PW fees as this equates to over 10% of the resort's budget.

For 2015 as PW looks as if they will no longer exist then our Community fees will have to increase by their 10% budget plus another two 10%'s for the PW bad debt that will have to be booked to the resort accounts. Not a great picture!

On other matters:

Workers Compound
The workers compound saga continues to incur more dumped rubbish on a daily basis:

Shame on the Committee yet again for letting this to continue but as it is not in their back garden then why would they clearly bother!

It is also at last good to see owner surveys being introduced, what a great idea and about time. Whoever had the initial idea should be congratulated. One area to address is the clear need to raise ideas, suggestions or points of view for each question within the survey. Time will tell!

Polaris strips
Maybe the Committee should of thought about the changes before going ahead especially with this weeks heavy rains!



Enough rainwater fell last week within the resort to irrigate the whole resort for a whole year!
When oh when will the committee understand that rainwater run-off capture is FREE and saves 250,000 euros p.a. on buying water in.

There are clearly to be seen run-off rivers that suddenly appear and stay around for days on end. These could be easily channeled into 200 gallon containers within the empty PW garage car parking spaces.

At a rough estimate 10 meters of plastic guttering into a garage container would cost a lot less than the cost of water/cub/m

Finally after 6 years the dramatic announcement that we can save 23% in the purchase price of brought-in water when prices have increased by 15% over the same period.

Looks very likely that is had been another excessive rip-off and lack of expertise all around!

Time for change, Time for Action

Warm regards


We always welcome comments and feedback, good or bad, from all owners, the committee or "committee member but personal views expressed only" .............


HRGR Owners and Sub Community Presidents that care!


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